The Foundation was created by Maritsa Lazari and her three children, Len, Nicholas and Andrie Lazari in memory and in honour of the late Christos Lazari, husband to Maritsa and father to Len, Nicholas and Andrie.
The Foundation was the birth of Christos Lazari’s “heartchild”, envisaged in his mind and created in his heart, and established by the family.
Christos Lazari worked closely with a number of charities during his lifetime and provided ongoing support for a variety of causes.
The family wished to create the Foundation, making his charitable work during his lifetime and his dream of creating a charity, a reality, which materialised in 2017.
Christos Lazari Foundation is the exclusive sponsor of the year of 2017 in the Furzey Gardens Special Years Appeal. To sponsor your own special year, email us.
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