Furzey gardens has always been one of my favourite and special places. As a family we used to visit often, to feed the fish with our young boys and play hide and seek through the azaleas. We all loved the striking colours and the magical atmosphere woven throughout. Having worked in the village of Minstead for twenty eight years, I often found myself working with Furzey Head Gardener Pete White and his team who would kindly help to rebuild the paths around the study center. On retirement, I felt that it was my turn to give back and I was keen to volunteer locally and be of service to this very special charity.
I now volunteer once a week, meeting and greeting in Furzey Gardens. It’s wonderful welcoming visitors and outlining the seasonal points of special interest. Sometimes I work alongside one of the people supported by the Trust, which is an added bonus. Many young children arrive full of excitement for an adventure, often dressed as fairies in search of the fabulous fairy doors. I like to sit in the fresh air and admire the views across the forest, drink in all the scents of the flowers and listen to the birds. In a quiet moment I clear my mind and write my thoughts and feelings in the “Jane’s Notebook” blog.
I also enjoy forging new links and helping to raise the profile of Minstead Trust within the village. Last year we translocated the annual village Apple Day up to Furzey Tea Rooms and enjoyed a fun day celebrating all things apple! Our next initiative is the annual Bioblitz weekend, which is a chance to draw together many local experts in the field to identify the wealth and diversity of the living things found in the gardens.
More recently, a small group of us have been running a Spring plant sale on the village green to highlight the joys of growing your own vegetables with all the proceeds go back to the gardening team. We have also set up a veggie box scheme through the Minstead Community shop. Produce grown in the walled garden as part of Minstead Trust’s New Forest Day Opportunities gardening sessions is packed up in boxes and delivered to the shop each Friday morning throughout the Summer.
All in all, volunteering at Furzey brings me in to contact with lots of lovely people. I have learned so much about gardening, I very much enjoy working alongside the people supported by the Trust and I would highly recommend getting involved to anyone!
You can read Jane’s notebook entries here
Observations from February and March
For more information about joining the Furzey Welcome Team please get in touch! Volunteers@MinsteadTrust.org.uk