Helen works at Lily&Lime, one of Minstead Trust’s social enterprises in Portsmouth. In the café, she’s learned key customer service, food prep skills and values where her apprenticeship will take her in life. She’s certainly confident and chatty, as many of Lily&Lime’s customers can attest to.
We spoke to Helen about her mental health and how working and being around her co-workers have helped her feel better.
‘I have days where I generally feel exhausted because my mood isn’t at the highest it could be. This at times has made me feel very isolated.
Since working at Lily&Lime my mental health has improved because I feel like I have been supported in a better way. I have made friends here which has improved my work because I can communicate with people and feel I can talk to them.
I like what Minstead stands for, it gives everyone an opportunity to try things and I feel it is an achievement when people can do things independently. I go to the gym regularly which helps with my mood as it makes me feel good. I feel positive for working in Minstead and helping to improve things for others.’
Read more about Helen and her apprenticeship at Lily&Lime here.
Helen’s knowledge of staying healthy by leaning on support and exercise comes from the support of those around her. For many people with learning disabilities, this support is not available. Our Kind2Mind: Healthy Mind, Happy Life fundraiser is raising funds to support inidviudals that struggle with phhsycial and mental health, and getting them support before it reaches crisis.
You can donate 14 – 28 May, your donation doubling at no extra cost to you.