We can provide you with meaningful day opportunities that:
Supports the development of skills
Maximises participation and fulfils potential
Creates opportunities to have fun working as a team
Encourages the achievement of productivity
Enables each individual to have a sense of dignity and self-worth through the recognition and acknowledgement of their contribution
Enables each person we support to feel valued
Provide opportunities for meeting people and building friendships
Are flexible and responsive to needs of the people we support
Create opportunities for people to take part in things they enjoy doing, and help them make choices about when and where they do them.
Our aim within New Forest Day Opportunities is:
To create an ‘atmosphere of the work ethic’ for people who otherwise cannot gain employment and to encourage and support those who would like to learn the skills to gain employment. We believe that through the dignity of work and meaningful activity, the people we support can enjoy both inspiration and fulfilment.
To engage all the people we support in meaningful day opportunities that maintains or develops their skills and/or their health and emotional and mental wellbeing.
To work together in such a way that the unique contribution of every individual can be recognised and encouraged to unfold.
For each person we support to have person centred outcomes, that support them, and encourage them to reach their potential.
For each person we support to have a sense of purpose when they attend the day service, that the products they make are beautiful and high quality and the sale of them bring a sense of pride and builds confidence and self-esteem.
That each person we support has a sense of belonging, feels part of the day opportunities and that their opinions and voice are heard.
For the people we support to experience a rich rewarding life as an equal citizen and to be accepted and find their place in the world.