
Ghost Stories

When: 25 Oct 2022 - 31 Oct 2022

Produced By: London Touring Players

From the same company who brought you ‘The Comedy of Errors’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ at Furzey Gardens and ‘A Christmas Carol’ at Beaulieu Abbey, this is a walk around performance based on three classic ghost stories by the great ghost story writers Charles Dickens and M R James. In the atmospheric dusk of the gardens, these stories will thrill and transport the audience.

Expect music, atmospheric lighting, and outstanding performances bringing these classic tales to life.


Information on the Performance:

The performance is wheelchair accessible. Please do contact us ahead of the event if you intend to come in a wheelchair.

This show is aimed at adults and children alike.

The performance is one hour long. Please bring a torch.

We advise you to come dressed for an autumnal walk; with coats, waterproofs, walking shoes or wellies. The walk will stick to hard paths for the most part as the actors lead the audience on a ghostly trail through the gardens. Feel free to bring shooting sticks if you would like to rest during the trail.

We classify the performance as PG. As all children are different, the show may delight one 7 year old and frighten another 11 year old. It depends on your child. The performance is based on classic ghost stories from Victorian writers Charles Dickens and M R James. These writers deal more with the power of the imagination and suggestive and mysterious ideas, than they do with blood and guts. The show will be more mystery than horror. But they are ghost stories after all, so do contain references to death, murder and the supernatural.

Some spooky special effects will be created in the dusk/evening light at the gardens using lighting. Our suggestion would be that the show shouldn’t be too scary for the average 8 year old and above. But it very much depends on your child and whether they would find the idea of a night walk with ghosts too scary to begin with! The show won’t be any scarier than ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘Goosebumps’.

Do feel free to come dressed up as ghosts, witches or wizards!


25th Oct 2022, 16:30 pm

25th Oct 2022, 18:00 pm

25th Oct 2022, 19:30 pm

26th Oct 2022, 16:30 pm

26th Oct 2022, 18:00 pm

26th Oct 2022, 19:30 pm

27th Oct 2022, 16:30 pm

27th Oct 2022, 18:00 pm

27th Oct 2022, 19:30 pm

28th Oct 2022, 16:30 pm

28th Oct 2022, 18:00 pm

28th Oct 2022, 19:30 pm

29th Oct 2022, 16:30 pm

29th Oct 2022, 18:00 pm

29th Oct 2022, 19:30 pm

30th Oct 2022, 16:30 pm

30th Oct 2022, 18:00 pm

30th Oct 2022, 19:30 pm

31st Oct 2022, 16:30 pm

31st Oct 2022, 18:00 pm

31st Oct 2022, 19:30 pm

Ticket Prices:

Family: £59

Adults: £19.50

Children: £14.50

Book tickets now

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