Our experience over 40 years has shown that adult social services are not able to fully meet the needs of everyone who needs support.

There are also wider issues and opportunities that we believe are important to address in the long term.

So we have worked extensively with stakeholders to identify the key issues people with learning disabilities are facing and what needs to change.

We are aiming to break down the barriers facing people with learning disabilities in society throughout the UK.

We are currently focusing on some of the following areas:

  • Helping people to understand the lives and views of people with learning disabilities, both in our communications and providing opportunities for greater interaction at our venues with our wider communities.
  • Encouraging all workplaces to be inclusive in hiring and recruitment practice, in order for them to  experience the benefits that people with learning disabilities can bring to business, as well as the social benefits for each new recruit.
  • Developing new ways of working more closely with family carers.
  • Supporting the professionalisation of the care sector workforce.
  • Identifying ways to help people in their first steps into adult life after education.

As we develop our work in each area this page will grow to show the impact we are having.

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