For one person this has made her more anxious and has affected every aspect of her day to day living.
She has struggled, with loneliness, unable to cope or express her emotions and she has felt very isolated.
During quarantine, she has found it difficult not having a normal routine or being able to attend her day services. She has felt very frustrated.
At first, she struggled to understand the Covid19 outbreak.
She feared that she would die. She has felt extremely vulnerable and found that watching social media/tv footage about the impact of Covid19 had a negative impact on her anxiety.
Unfortunately her (external) day services have not been able to be supportive during this time. Contact calls from them to her have not been regular enough for her.
Also there has been very limited contact with family/relatives.
This has clearly affected her mental health and she has not been able to control or express her emotions.
She has struggled on a daily basis with negative moods and the lack of motivation.
As lockdown has started to ease, she has expressed her nervousness regarding going out and about and carrying out small tasks.
For the past few months we have supported her to carry out her weekly food shopping. Her confidence is not what it was and she has become more unsettled whilst out of the house.
She currently still does not attend her day service but she has had daily support at her home to take part in a number of activities including baking, crafts and activities. Some days she is better motivated than others. On days when she has no motivation she likes to watch YouTube videos on her tablet.
Throughout lockdown the Minstead Trust support team have worked extremely hard to keep her stimulated, positive and with a structured daily routine.
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